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HTML - the hidden power of the WEB

··6 mins

Whatever you do related to websites, there’s one thing that you will do: You will write HTML code to be parsed by some browser and shown to the user. HTML is your way of structure information so that a computer programm can work with it.

This is a very basic introduction into HTML to get you rolling.

Get in touch with IDEs after this introduction:

HTML’s Essence: Unraveling the Importance of Structure #

HTML is no programming language. It has no logic. It is here to structure information.

Did you ever think about text when writing? I mean there’s a difference between ? and !, even if it doesn’t change the words, right? Sometimes floating text is good but when you write your shopping list, you probably write a list.

Whenever some user opens up some page on the internet, he does want to see something. With HTML we can extend the plain text with some markup to help our users better understand our website.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language by the way.

Decoding HTML: Understanding the Framework of Web Content #

HTML in theory is a XML document. So you have elements that can have attributes and can have other elements inside. Except the very first line, where you usually tell the browser what specific dialect (if you like) you use.

elements do start with <some-element> (“some-element” is replaced by the name of whatever element you want to place) and do end with </some-element>. Whatever is in between is the content / child of that element. Some elements cannot have content / children, line breaks for example, then you can write <br /> (I know that the / is optional nowadays).

Line 1 in many cases will look like this: <!doctype html>.

After that you start your html element which will have a head and a body.

While HTML is focusing structure, CSS is taking care about the style:

Demystifying HTML’s head Section: Unveiling its Significance #

In this section you put some meta data. So whatever you put here, will not be shown to the user but it will have a significant impact on how it will be shown.

In HTML head section you can define a title of your website for example, so it can be shown on the browser tab

text on a browser tab

Insight into HTML’s body Section: Building the Foundation for Web Content #

Whatever you want to display, you put here. It will be the basic layout structure of your website and for sure the content you want to show to the user.

Usually the body section of an html document gets pretty large, so it’s a good idea to work with indentation whenever you nest elements.

HTML: The Unmissable “Hello World” Example #

That said, let’s have a look on the famous “Hello World” example that can’t be skipped for any tutorial:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>My first document</title>
Hello World

Here’s what we see:

  • A html document (see line 1)
  • The language is english (see lang attribute of html element)
  • The title is “My first document” (see title element in head section)
  • The text “Hello World” will be shown

Crafting Your Debut: A Guide to Creating Your “About Me” HTML Page #

Let’s extend our hello world example a little bit. Let’s build a very basic about me page.

To do so, we’ll use three elements:

  • h1: This is our headline
  • img: This is our image
  • a: This is our link, I’ll use LinkedIn here

1. About me: The raw structure in HTML #

We start with a “empty” structure. To do so, create an empty file and call it index.html.

|- index.html

Open it in some text editor and put in this code:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Oliver Lippert</title>


Now you can open this file with any browser you have installed. As you can see, we have an empty page with our name on the tab:

empty website with our name on the tab

2. Personal Touch: Introducing Your Name in HTML #

OK now let’s add our name:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Oliver Lippert</title>
<h1>Oliver Lippert</h1>

We place the headline 1 in our body. Nice to know: In HTML you have h1 to h6 so you can structure multiple levels of headlines together.

website showing our name

3. Visual Appeal: Integrating Images in Your HTML Content #

We can add images to html with an img element. It can hold a reference to some image with the attribute src. Also it’s a common practice to add an alt attribute and provide some text for screen readers:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Oliver Lippert</title>
<h1>Oliver Lippert</h1>

<img src="profile.png" alt="Portrait of Oliver Lippert, Web Developer" />

Probably you cannot see the image right now. To see it, you need to place it next to the index.html

|- index.html
|- profile.png

website showing our name and image

Let’s keep the audience connected. In my case, I’ll use my LinkedIn. I do so by introducing an a element. It can link some website by using the href attribute. The text that should be “the link” you can simply put as the elements content:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Oliver Lippert</title>
<h1>Oliver Lippert</h1>

<img src="profile.png" alt="it's me: Oliver Lippert" /><br />

<a href="">Let's connect</a>

So now we have a link. Did you note that we needed to put the br element after our img to get a linke break but we didn’t need that after the h1? We’ll dive deeper on that in some later blog post.

website showing name, image and link

Delve into HTML: Going Beyond the Basics #

Thanks for reading first introduction to HTML. Keep rolling. If you want to dive deeper, there’s a ton of material out there. Here’s a 100 second video about HTML which gives more insight:

Let’s look good: #

This is a very basic plain HTML website. You should add some styling to it, this way it will become your own website.

Learn how to style your website:
Or leverage CSS frameworks to 'just' combine what's there already:

HTML for everyone: Publish your website #

Opening your website on your computer is nice, but sharing it with other is key.

Learn how to publish your website:

Effortless Website Hosting on a Budget with Namecheap

Discover how to effortlessly host your website on a small budget with Namecheap's shared hosting. Explore the process from selecting a plan to configuring SSL, and learn to upload your site for a seamless online presence.
Keep pushing forward: Next articles to improve your skills

With this article in mind, you can keep on reading about these topics:

Effortless Website Hosting on a Budget with Namecheap

Discover how to effortlessly host your website on a small budget with Namecheap's shared hosting. Explore the process from selecting a plan to configuring SSL, and learn to upload your site for a seamless online presence.
Oliver Lippert
Oliver Lippert
I care for details. I think about functions and their meaning. What should they do, what not? I think about variable names. I read commit messages. All this with long-term thinking. It’s easy to write code today, but Projects get harder as longer they run. This drives me in many discussions and code reviews. +15 Years of experience has told me a lot. I reflect that mindest in business discussions as well.