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Level up your programming by using IDEs like WebStorm

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Recommended basics: Articles you should know

To get the full picture of this article, you should know about this topics:

HTML - the hidden power of the WEB

Uncover the essential role of HTML in structuring web content. This post provides a foundational introduction to HTML, highlighting its crucial role in organizing information for browsers. Explore HTML document structure, the significance of head and body sections, and build a step-by-step "About Me" page. Delve into HTML with practical examples, laying the groundwork for further exploration in web development.

Effortless Website Hosting on a Budget with Namecheap

Discover how to effortlessly host your website on a small budget with Namecheap's shared hosting. Explore the process from selecting a plan to configuring SSL, and learn to upload your site for a seamless online presence.

Source code is text. Text can be written in any text editor. It can be as simple as Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac) and so on. But things get complex as they grow. You can write a small story / exam in those tools as well, but if you plan to write a book, probably they do not fit any longer.

In programming, the text you write, has a strong meaning. While it doesn’t matter how you call a CSS class, it is important to use the same spelling in your HTML and CSS document. If you miss a single character, things will not sum up any longer.

Haven't heard of HTML yet? Start here:

HTML - the hidden power of the WEB

Uncover the essential role of HTML in structuring web content. This post provides a foundational introduction to HTML, highlighting its crucial role in organizing information for browsers. Explore HTML document structure, the significance of head and body sections, and build a step-by-step "About Me" page. Delve into HTML with practical examples, laying the groundwork for further exploration in web development.
Combine HTML and CSS to get your own style, read more here:

Beside the source code itself, projects can contain other tools as well, for example for file uploads as you saw when uploading your first “about me” page. Please remember, we barely touched the surface yet.

Set up your first hosting package to show the world who you are:

Effortless Website Hosting on a Budget with Namecheap

Discover how to effortlessly host your website on a small budget with Namecheap's shared hosting. Explore the process from selecting a plan to configuring SSL, and learn to upload your site for a seamless online presence.

Don’t get scared, there’s a solution to deal with such kind of complexity: IDEs. The phrase IDE stands for Integrated development environment which basically means it is a program which combines several tools to have a solid developer experience. It can “understand” your source code, it can add syntax highlighting (nice colors) and it makes parts of your code clickable so you can better navigate through your code.

This may sound like a “nice to have” right now, but as a professional software developer you always should aim for good IDE support, trust me.

Open your first project in WebStorm #

For this demonstration, I’m using WebStorm.

WebStorm is a paid IDE with a 30 day test period. For writing this article I researched for alternatives to my default IDE (IntelliJ Ultimate). Even if Visual Studio Code is interesting, it is by far not able to catch up with the intelligence provided by JetBrains Tooling. You can do some parts of this demonstration with other IDEs then WebStorm.

After downloading and starting you should see the welcome screen:

WebStorm welcome screen

Open your source code #

In WebStorm you can open any folder. After doing so, WebStorm will consider this folder to be a project. Since many IDEs work this way, it is common standard to place all files that are part of your project into this folder (you’ll using subfolders as well for sure).

Click on the “Open” button and select the folder containing your source code:

Select project folder to open

After you have opened the folder, WebStorm will show your files in some file explorer.

Default view after opening the folder in WebStorm

Open your HTML file #

You can open your files by double clicking their name in the file tree on the left:

Highlight filename to indicate double click to open

After opening the file, you can see the full content with all the intelligence the IDE can provide to you:

HTML document opened in WebStorm

Unlocking easy benefits with IDEs #

The benefits of an IDE strongly depend on the project you are running. So it’s hard to tell individually what benefits you’ll see using an IDE. But based on the small about me page where you’ve written the HTML and CSS code and even started hosting it publicly, I can show you how an IDE will improve your workflows.

Syntax highlighting #

By adding some colors to your source code, your eyes will better be able to navigate through your source code. Compare these two identical code blocks and try to find the src attribute, one is with syntax highlighting the other is without. Compare how long you you need to find it:

Code block without syntax highlighting #

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Oliver Lippert</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<h1>Oliver Lippert</h1>

<img src="profile.jpg" alt="it's me: Oliver Lippert"/><br/>

<a href="">Let's connect</a>

Code block with syntax highlighting #

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Oliver Lippert</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<h1>Oliver Lippert</h1>

<img src="profile.jpg" alt="it's me: Oliver Lippert"/><br/>

<a href="">Let's connect</a>

Code completion #

A very handy feature is code completion. Since your IDE is knowing your project it can help you writing code more easy. While typing, it will show suggestions on what word you probably are typing.

HTML code completion popup demo

This is a very broad feature, it also will work with files, functions, variables and many other stuff.

Do you write source code already?

Rename support #

A key feature of an IDE is the understanding of references. Let’s walk through 2 showcases so you have an better understanding how it will help you:

Rename a file #

Your HTML is referencing an image. It is important, that the filename does match, else the image will not be found.

HTML image filename reference illustration

Let’s say we decide to rename this image to oliver-lippert.jpg. If we do this via our native files application, the HTML now would reference to an non-existing file. But let’s see what our IDE will do: Right click the file, go to Refactor and select Rename:

Start file renaming via WebStorm context menu

Put in the new file name and confirm the dialog with click on Refactor:

Refactor > Rename dialog in WebStorm

You will see your HTML code to be updated, referencing the new file name:

Updated HTML code, referencing the new filename

Renaming in source code #

Beside files we can also use refactoring of names for functions, variables or in case of HTML for classes or ids.

Add an id to your h1 and add a class to your h1 and your a element:

If you forgot what is meant with 'element', start here:

HTML - the hidden power of the WEB

Uncover the essential role of HTML in structuring web content. This post provides a foundational introduction to HTML, highlighting its crucial role in organizing information for browsers. Explore HTML document structure, the significance of head and body sections, and build a step-by-step "About Me" page. Delve into HTML with practical examples, laying the groundwork for further exploration in web development.

HTML with id and class defined

Now let’s add some style to it: Make the id underlined and add italic formatting to the class:

If you forgot how to write CSS, start here:
#name {
    text-decoration: underline;

.italic {
    font-style: italic;

CSS style for html id and class

Now let’s rename both: Rename name to the-name and italic to special-style. It doesn’t matter if you rename in CSS or in HTML: Right click on the text, go to Refactor and select Rename. Type in the proper name and confirm with Refactor. As you will see, WebStorm is renaming the references to id and class in all places.

WebStorm renamed class and id references as well

Integrate tools #

Beside adding colors to your code and understanding references, IDEs also integrate several tools to ease up your life. Now since we changed files, we probably can update our public about me page. Last time we did it via uploading files via cPanel file manager. Now let’s use our IDE to do so.

We will now connect to our hosting package. Feel free to do a quick recap:

Effortless Website Hosting on a Budget with Namecheap

Discover how to effortlessly host your website on a small budget with Namecheap's shared hosting. Explore the process from selecting a plan to configuring SSL, and learn to upload your site for a seamless online presence.

You will connect to your hosting package via FTP (which means: File Transfer Protocol). You generate the credentials in your hosting package management panel, if you used Namecheap as describe in my shared hosting introduction, you would create an FTP account via cPanel. To continue ensure you have the Server, the Username and the Password.

Open remote hosts overview in WebStorm

Now click the ... button to start adding a new remote host:

Start adding remote host in WebStorm

Define some name and select FTP as the type:

Name new remote host in WebStorm

Now define Server, Username and the Password in the last step to be able to connect, confirm with OK:

Finalize remote host parameters in WebStorm

And finally let’s upload our files by just drag and drop them from left to right:

Drag and drop FTP file upload in WebStorm

Now on the left you can see your local files while on the right side you can see all remote files:

WebStorm showing local and remote files

Embracing IDEs: A necessity for every Project #

This was just a very brief introduction in the idea / benefit of IDEs. You will start customizing them for your needs in your project. It is a very broad topic because it is so dynamic. I do use JetBrains products since 2015 and I got pretty used to it over the time. I really appreciate to do many things without even switching the window.

While you definitely can code without using an IDE, I would say most projects out there agree on using an IDE.

To underline it again: There’s not just WebStorm or IntelliJ. JetBrains has other IDEs and also there’s not just JetBrains but other IDE providers. Take some time, do your research and give it a try. You can switch at any time.

Keep pushing forward: Next articles to improve your skills

With this article in mind, you can keep on reading about these topics: